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WATERWISE Gardening, LLC  - Spring 2018 Plant List

Sales dates & location - Thursdays through Saturdays  9 AM - 4 PM


While supplies last! This is our starting availability with more plants added throughout the event.


David's Treasure Trove of plants for water-wise and pollinator-friendly landscapes:

Achillea Millifolium New Vintage Red - 5" Pot

Achillea millifolium Sonoma Coast - 2.5" Pot

Achillea Moonshine - 5" 

Agastache aurantiaca Shades of Orange - 2.5"

Agastache Ava - 5" 

Agastache Blue Fortune - 5" 

Agastache cana Rosita - 2.5"

Agastache rupestris Glowing Embers - 5" 

Agastache x Blue Boa - 5" 

Agastache x Desert Solstice - 2.5"

Agastache x Desert Sunrise - 2.5"

Agastache x pallida Globetrotter - 2.5"

Agastache x Red Happiness - 5" 

Agave harvardiana - 2.5"

Agave parryi (high elev. form) E. of Camp Verde - 2.5"

Agave parryi (high elev. form) Flagstaff AZ - 2.5"

Agave parryi (high elev. form) Young, AZ - 2.5"

Agave toumeyana v. Bella - 2.5"

Agave utahensis v. kaibabensis - 2.5"

Ajuga Mahogany - 2.5"

Allium splendens Deep Pink - 2.5"

Aquilegia chysantha - 2.5"

Aquilegia desertorum - 2.5"

Aquilegia eximia - 2.5"

Aquilegia longissima Swallowtail - 2.5"

Asclepias tuberosa  - 2.5"

Asclepias tuberosa Western Gold - 2.5"

Berberis fendleri - 2.5"

Callirhoe involucata - 2.5"

Ceonothus americana - 5" 

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides - 2.5"

Coreopsis tripteris Gold Standard - 5" 

Cotula sp. Tiffendell Gold - 2.5"

Cuphea David Verity - 2.5"

Cytisus x kewensis - 2.5"

Dalea candidum - 2.5"

Dasylirion texana - 5" 

Delosperma ashtonii Blut - 2.5"

Delosperma Granita Raspberry - 2.5"

Delosperma nubigenum - 2.5"

Delosperma sp. Lesotho Pink - 2.5"

Delosperma sphalmanthoides - 2.5"

Delosperma Stireman Orange - 2.5"

Diascia integerrima Coral Canyon - 5" 

Echinacea x Cheyenne Spirit - 5" 

Eriogonum umbellatum Poncha Pass Red - 2.5"

Felicia aethiopica - 2.5"

Festuca x Siskiyou Blue - 5" new

Gaillardia grandiflora Mesa Yellow - 5" 

Gallardia grandiflora Arizona Red Shades - 5" 

Gallardia grandiflora Arizona Sun - 5" 

Gallium odoratum - 2.5"

Gaura lindheimeri Intermountain Beauty - 5" 

Gaura lindheimeri Rosyjane - 5" 

Geranium x Rozanne - 5" 

Helichrysum tianshanicum - 5" 

Hesperaloe parviflora - 2.5"

Hesperaloe parviflora Coral Glow - 2.5"

Hesperaloe parviflora Coral Glow - 5" 

Hesperaloe parviflora Straight Up Red - 5" 

Hesperaloe parviflora Yellow - 5" 

Heuchera Weston Pink - 5" 

Heuchera Weston Pink - 2 gal

Hymenoxys acaulis v ivesiana - 2.5"

Kniiphofia x Yellow - 2.5" 

Lamium maculatum White Nancy - 2.5"

Lamium Orchid Frost - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Buena Vista - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Gros Bleu - 5" 

Lavandula angustifolia Miss Katherine - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Miss Katherine - 5" 

Lavandula angustifolia Miss Kathrine - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Munstead Violet - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Mustead Violet - 2 gal

Lavandula angustifolia Sharon Roberts - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Sharon Roberts - 2.5"

Lavandula angustifolia Sharon Roberts - 5" 

Lavandula angustifolia Wee One - 5" 

Lavandula angustifolia Wee One - 5" 

Lavandula angustifolia Wee One - 2 gal

Leucanthemum Becky - 5" 

Liatris aspera - 2.5"

Liatris ligulistylus - 2.5"

Liatris mucronata - 2.5"

Linum narbonense - 2.5"

Linum perenne Appar - 2.5"

Lonicera reticulata Kintzley's Ghost - 5" 

Lonicera sempervirens John Clayton - 5" 

Lonicera sempervirens John Clayton - 5" 

Lonicera sempervirens Major Wheeler - 5" 

Monarda Raspberry Wine - 5" 

Monardella macrantha Marian Sampson - 2.5"

Nepeta Walker's Deep Blue - 5" 

Nolina  greenii (texana) - 5" 

Oenothera macrocarpa Dwarf Silver - 2.5"

Oenothera macrocarpa Dwarf Silver - 5" 

Oreganum libanoticum - 2.5"

Penstemon davidsonii - 2.5"

Penstemon pinifolius Luminous - 2.5"

Penstemon pinifolius Luminous - 5" 

Penstemon psuedospectabilis - 2.5"

Penstemon superbus - 2.5"

Penstemon superbus - 5" 

Penstemon virens - 2.5"

Penstemon x Dark Towers - 5" 

Penstemon x mexicali Pike's Peak Purple - 5" 

Penstemon x mexicali Red Rocks - 5" 

Penstermon pinifolius Compactum - 5" 

Penstermon pinifolius Luminous - 5" 

Penstermon strictus - 2.5"

Perovskia atriplicifolia Blue Spires - 5" 

Perovskia atriplicifolia Silvery Blue - 2.5"

Phlox kelseyi Lemhi Purple - 2.5"

Phlox nana Perfect Pink - 5" 

Pterocephalus depressus - 2.5"

Pulsatilla patens - 2.5"

Pycnanthemum incanum - 5" 

Quercus shumardii - 5" 

Rosmarinus officinalis Madaline Hill - 5" old

Rosmarinus officinalis Santa Fe Dark Blue - 2.5"

Rosmarinus officinalis Santa Fe Dark Blue - 5" 

Rudbeckia fulgida v fulgida - 5" new

Ruschia pulvinaris - 2.5"

Salvia arizonica Deep Blue - 5" 

Salvia darcyii Vermillon Cliffs - 2.5"

Salvia darcyii Vermillon Cliffs - 5" 

Salvia dorrii Deep Springs Blue - 5" 

Salvia greggii Furman's Red - 5" 

Salvia microphylla Hot Lips - 2.5"

Salvia microphylla Hot Lips - 5" 

Salvia nemerosa Lyrical Rose - 5" 

Salvia pachyphylla Blue Flame - 5" 

Salvia Raspberry Delight - 2.5"

Salvia sylvestris May Night - 5" 

Salvia x Burgundy Seduction - 5" 

Salvia x Maraschino - 5" 

Salvia x Raspberry Delight - 5" 

Salvia x Scarlet Spires - 5" 

Salvia x Wendy's Wish - 5" 

Saponaria ocymoides White - 2.5"

Scabiosa Butterfly Blue - 5" 

Scutellaria Dark Violet   - 2.5"

Scutellaria Dark Violet  (old crop) - 2.5"

Scutellaria suffrutescens - 5" 

Sedum rupestris Angelina - 2.5"

Sempervirens variety assortment - 2.5"

Solidago Golden Fleece - 1 gal

Solidago rugosa Fireworks - 5" 

Solidago sphacelata Golden Fleece - 5" 

Sorghastrum nutans Thin Man - 1 gal

Sphaeralcea munroana - 2.5"

Stachys coccineus - 2.5"

Tanacetum densum v amani - 2.5"

Teucrium aroanum  Older rotation - 2.5"

Teucrium chamaedrys  - 2.5"

Teucrium chamaedrys v. prostratum - 2.5"

Thymus lanuginosus wooly  - 2.5"

Thymus Pink Chintz - 2.5"

Thymus sp. Bush Lemon - 2.5"

Tradescantia sillamontana - 5" 

Verbena peruviana Red Devil - 2.5"

Veronica oltensis - 2.5"

Veronica Royal Candles - 5" 

Veronica rupestris Heavenly Blue - 2.5"

Vitex agnus-castus - 1 gal

Yucca elata - 5" 

Zauschneria canum Northfork Coral - 5" 

Zauschneria canum v latifolium Sky Island Orange  - 5" 

Zinnia grandiflora Golden Eye - 2.5"

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